Cheltenham Operatic and Dramatic Society

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If you’re a budding actor, actress, singer or dancer we’d love to meet you. As well as looking for members to perform on stage, CODS is always looking for help backstage and front of house and we are keen to encourage any potential scenic artists, set designers, lighting designers, sound board operators and general backstage workers for set construction and painting, as well as wardrobe and make-up enthusiasts. Check out our list of the many different roles it takes to put on a show here.
It’s not all just about the performance. Members of the CODS community also enjoy an active social calendar which includes seasonal parties, treasure hunts, camping trips, barbecues and trips to shows.
Rehearsals for our main productions are generally held at Christchurch Hall, Malvern Road, Cheltenham on Mondays at 7.30.p.m and Thursdays at 8.00 p.m. Choir rehearsals take place on Tuesday evenings at Swindon Village Primary School starting at 7.30pm. For further details, please visit our Choir Page.
Potential new members are always welcome – If you would like more information about how you can get involved in all aspects of the society, please contact the CODS Secretary.